Saturday, January 12, 2019

Enable/Restore Cyberoam Appliance Access

Administrator would not be able to access Cyberoam Appliance from the Web Admin Console due to wrong configuration executed at the appliance. Occurrence of following events can result into loss of Cyberoam Appliance Access:

·         HTTP or HTTPS options are unchecked under appliance access for LAN / WAN / DMZ zone.
·         Virtual host has been created and forwards all services to internal server which makes Cyberoam inaccessible.
·         If Cyberoam Stateful bypass networks contains Cyberoam IP address as Source and Destination, then Cyberoam would not be accessible.

If any of the above-mentioned events occur, the appliance will not be accessible by any protocol – HTTP, HTTPS, Telnet or SSH and the Cyberoam Telnet Console/Cyberoam Web Admin Console would be locked due to wrong configuration.


·         The steps given below will temporary disable the firewall module and custom configuration i.e. entire traffic will get DROPPED until the completion of all the steps.
·         Cyberoam will not be accessible in case the default ports of Cyberoam has been changed to custom ports and the administrator has forgotten the customized port.

 Follow the steps mentioned below to enable Appliance Access.

1.    Logon to the Cyberoam CLI console.

2.    Choose option 4. Cyberoam Console and execute the following command at the console prompt: 

       cyberoam appliance_access enable

3.    After performing the above steps, try to access the appliance from Web Admin Console (HTTP or HTTPS) and change the configuration that locked your appliance.

4.   Now, go to the CLI and disable the appliance access by executing the command:cyberoam appliance_access disable. Cyberoam will restore the previous configuration settings, except the changes you have made after enabling Cyberoam appliance access from   CLI.


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