Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Windows 10 Password Recovery

This password is incorrect
This password is incorrect
Following are the steps to reset a Windows 10 password:
  1. Boot from the Windows 10 DVD. Make sure that your PC setup is configured to boot from a DVD and that UEFI and Secure Boot are disabled.
    Boot from Windows 10 DVD
    Boot from Windows 10 DVD
  2. Press SHIFT + F10 to open a command prompt.
    Open a command prompt with SHIFT F10
    Open a command prompt with SHIFT + F10
  3. Replace the file utilman.exe with cmd.exe. Before you do this, you should make a copy of utilman.exe so that you can restore it later. Note that you can only restore this file if you boot again from the Windows DVD.
                    1   move d:\windows\system32\utilman.exe d:\windows\system32\utilman.exe.bak
                    2   copy d:\windows\system32\cmd.exe d:\windows\system32\utilman.exeReplace utilman.exe with cmd.exe

  1. Replace utilman.exe with cmd.exe
  2. After you have replaced utilman.exe successfully, you can remove the DVD and restart your problematic Windows 10 installation:
                                       wpeutil reboot
  1. Reboot Windows 10
    Reboot Windows 10
  2. On the Windows 10 sign-in page, click the Utility Manager icon.
    Click the Utility Manager icon
    Click Utility Manager iconSince we replaced the Utility Manager with the cmd.exe, a command prompt should open now. Don’t worry about the error message.
    Command prompt at sign in page
    Command prompt at sign-in page
  3. You can now add a new user with the command below. We also have to add the user to the administrator group so that we regain full control of our Windows installation. Replace <username> with the account name of your choice. Note that the account name must not exist on this Windows installation. Don’t let the Windows 10 screen saver distract you.
                               net user <username> /add
                               net localgroup administrators <username> /add 

  1. Add a new user and adding the user to the administrator group
    Add a new user and adding the user to the administrator group
  2. Click the screen to make the sign-in page appear again. Your new account should show up, and you can sign in without a password.
    Sign in with new local account
    Sign in with a new local account
  3. You can now access the files associated with your Microsoft account in the C:\Users folder.
    Users folder
    Users folder
  4. If you worked with a local account instead of a Microsoft account, you can reset your password in Computer Management. Right-click the Start button, select Computer Management, and navigate to Local Users and Groups. Right-click your local account and select Set Password.
    Reset Windows 10 password
    Reset Windows 10 password
A shorter way to reset the password of a local account is to replace the first command in step 6 with the following command. (In this case, you don’t need to create a new user.)
                               net user <username> <password>

Notice that resetting a password with this command doesn’t work with a Microsoft account. The only way to reset a Microsoft account password is through the online forms.

*This is for my Reference* 

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