Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Troubleshooting Dell iDRAC Issues (iDRAC6)

If you are having issues with your Dell iDRAC, refer to table and follow the resolution steps below:

Error Message/SymptomResolution steps
Unable to Access DRAC  - Setup/Configuration1. Check that network cables are properly connected and network settings are configured properly
a)      If customer is using AMEA card, ensure NIC setting is set to ‘Dedicated’ and network cable is connected to the port with a spanner icon
b)      If customer is not using AMEA, network cable should be connected to the first LOM port and NIC setting should be set to “Shared”
c)       Or the network cable can be connected to any LOM port and the NIC setting should be set to “Shared with Failover”
2. Find out the iDRAC IP address using any of the following:
a)       racadm getniccfg
b)       Enter CTRL+E option during system POST and go to LAN    configuration (Reboot required)
c)       Enter Life cycle controller and go to LAN configuration (reboot required)
3. If you have a valid iDRAC IP, try to ping the iDRAC IP from the client system: ping xxx:xxx:xxx:xxx
4. If IP pinging successfully, then try to access iDRAC using preferred out of band system management tool
5. If iDRAC IP is not pinging, check and resolve the network connectivity issue and repeat from Step 1
a)      If DHCP is enabled make sure you have a DHCP server running on network to provide a valid DHCP IP Address
b)      If DHCP is not enabled, provide a valid static IP Address, Network Mask and Gateway IP Address
6. If the above fails, Power down the server, unplug server from power source and then hold power button down for 20 seconds to drain flea power and then power back up. Got to step 1 again and try
7. Try BIOS, DRAC and NIC Firmware update (if a blade, update the CMC FW too)
8. Do an iDRAC reset to default using any of the following:
a)      racadm racresetcfg (No host reboot required)
b)      During POST enter CTRL+E option and execute Reset to default (Host reboot is required )
9. After reset to default is completed, reconfigure iDRAC settings (LAN config, IPMI over LAN etc.)
10. Power cycle the server
11. Reseat the DRAC components.  Go through Step 1 above to make sure IP is same
12. If VLAN is being used, check for the VLAN settings in the DRAC config and ensure that they match the network settings
13. Ensure Duplex and speed settings match settings on Network Switch. DRAC is capable of 100 Mbps full duplex. Also check if network switch logs show any errors, specially spanning tree errors
14. If NIC setting is set to shared, check whether the port to which the network cable is connected is part of a team
15. Replace parts
Initialization errors during POST(This issue is normally noticed when fan is running full speed or iDRAC communication error)
1. First, try to reset iDRAC using “racadm racreset”
2. Try to do an iDRAC reset to default using any of the following:
a)      racadm racresetcfg (No host reboot required)
b)      During POST enter CTRL+E option and execute Reset to default (Host reboot is required )
3. After reset to default is completed, reconfigure iDRAC settings (LAN config, IPMI over LAN etc.)
4. If the above fails, try draining flea power by unplugging the server from power source and then holding power button down for 20 seconds. Got to step 1 again and try
5. If using AMEA, ensure that iDRAC express card is also installed
6. Try BIOS/Firmware / Software update
7. Replace parts
Continual Loop(Normally noticed when customer is trying to log into GUI Page).
1. Ensure customer is using a supported Browser
2. If customer has changed browser settings, reset to defaults and check.
3. Clear the browser cache and browser cookies and restart the browser.
4. Check the security settings of browser and the host operating system. Check the firewall settings to verify firewall is not blocking iDRAC network traffic
5. Reset iDRAC
6. Update FW/SW
7. Try draining flea power by unplugging the server from power source and then holding power button down for 20 seconds
8. Do an iDRAC reset to default using any of the following:
a)      racadm racresetcfg (No host reboot required)
b)      During POST enter CTRL+E option and execute Reset to default (Host reboot is required )
9. After reset to default is completed, reconfigure iDRAC settings (LAN config, IPMI over LAN etc.)
10. Replace parts
Credentials/Authentication issues
1. Ensure customer is using a supported Browser
2. Ensure customer is using correct username/password
3. Delete Browser  cache and cookies  
4. Do Firmware / Software update
5. Reset iDRAC
6. Do an iDRAC reset to default using any of the following:racadm racresetcfg (No host reboot required)
7. During POST enter CTRL+E option and execute Reset to default (Host reboot is required )
8. After reset to default is completed, reconfigure iDRAC settings (LAN config, IPMI over LAN etc.)
9. Replace parts
Incorrect/Wrong License -  Cannot use Web console for iDRAC1.  Reboot the Host and enter CTRL+E option during POST. On the utility heading if it displays "BMC configuration utility" the machine does not have DRAC card installed. Customer has to use BMC
iDRAC 6 communication failure1. Change Power recovery policy in BIOS to Always Off. Power cycle the machine
2. If the machine is equipped with a front panel LCD, note whether it is coming up and then see whether iDRAC is receiving an IP. If IP is received, update iDRAC and USC repair package using GUI
3. Else, do a platform update using USC or update BIOS, NIC and DRAC FW
4. Shutdown and switch on the host machine. During POST enter CTRL+E option and execute Reset to default
5. If that fails, try draining flea power by unplugging the server from power source and then holding power button down for 20 seconds.
6. If that doesn't resolve error, remove iDRAC express and Enterprise and check whether error goes away
7. Re-insert iDRAC express and Enterprise one at a time and check whether error goes away
8. If error goes away using above steps, do a platform update using USC or update BIOS, NIC and DRAC FW
9. Replace parts
Unable to ping DRAC. iDRAC LED off1. Confirm NIC selection is set to dedicated
iDRAC6 not responding1. Try draining flea power by unplugging the server from power source and then holding power button down for 20 seconds
2. Reseat components
3. Replace parts
Power Threshold Exceeded1. Try draining flea power by unplugging the server from power source and then holding power button down for 20 seconds  
2. Boot to BIOS and soft-reset it (turn on caps/scroll/num lock and hit ALT+E, ALT+F, ALT+B and the system will reboot)
3. Boot into the CTRL+E iDRAC bios and reset it to default, escape and the system will reboot.
4. Boot back into the iDRAC bios again and verify DRAC LAN and IPMI over LAN are both enabled, save and exit, escape and the system will reboot.
5. Boot the system to the OS and attempt iDRAC firmware flash to the latest version available at support.dell.com.
6. Try platform updates via USC
7. Reseat or remove iDRAC express and enterprise
8. There could be a possibility that some new hardware got added (for example a PCI card, new RAM modules, HDD, Storage controllers etc.) which requires more power, but the current PSU not able to support it. Check the PSU rating and compare with the actual consumption. If PSU rating is low, replace PSU
9. Rep